Is a Dive Knife Necessary?

Views: 18     Author: Leobenscuba     Publish Time: 2018-06-27      Origin:

Is a Dive Knife Necessary?

A Diving Knife is an emergency tool, it is used when you get tangled in the ever increasing amount of fishing line .using the knife to cut lines for securing kit or other tool-oriented tasks .in all,it is very useful if you dive around a lot of abandoned monofilament .    also,you can use it as a weapon.  like the airbags in your car, or for that matter the safety sausage or whistle on your BCD  ; you may not use them, but you’re always so much better off just having them there.

A handy knife can also serve as a great anchor to the sea bed in heavy current to prevent you from drifting away when your hands cannot get a purchase on any rocks or outcrops. Lastly, even though you may never find the need to use your dive knife (and thankfully so), a knife could simply be used as a good ‘  tank-knocker’ for getting your dive buddies attention underwater.
